Monday, July 2, 2018

Super Simple Drop Biscuits

For me, intentional living and simple living begins in the kitchen. Food and nourishment are the way into everyone's hearts.

In my opinion, you cannot nourish someone's soul without nourishing them physically.

A lot of my favorite memories revolve around a meal shared with the ones I love.

Today I am going to be sharing my super simple drop biscuit recipe.

I hope you enjoy it! <3

  • 4 cups of flour
  • 4 Tbsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 4 cups of milk
  • 1 cup of lard or shortening
  • 4 Tbsp. butter
Preheat oven to 450 degrees (Yes. I know it's hot. Keep little fingers away.) Combine flour, baking powder, salt, milk, and lard. Drop by the spoonful onto an ungreased baking sheet.  Bake for 10-11 minutes. Meanwhile, soften butter. Brush tops of biscuits with butter. This recipe makes 4 dozen biscuits.

Below is a post that I wrote many years ago. It helps me to get my head right about the things that really matter. Even the small things we take for granted. Enjoy!

*This was originally published in September 2014. The three boys – Dylan, Lincoln, and Kristian – were the only children. Meaning, many things have changed. However, this post still speaks to my heart. It is still the thoughts I possess about our old table. I hope you enjoy this post.*
I miss writing more than I ever thought I would. It’s amazing. I have so many thoughts. So many good ideas. Every now and again, I even find I have wisdom and thoughts that bring forth sage advice. How strange. Me? A simple woman who the Lord redeemed and washed new? I crazy woman rockin’ yoga pants and a mom ponytail… I – me, Jodi- might have some things to say that will shape the world for the better? That might meet someone right where they are? Might help reach my future daughters and wives of my sons? I just cannot believe that to be true.
But then… A small voice stirs and I hear the Lord say, “I have a plan for you. You are still here for a reason. You will be used.”
So here, again, I began writing. Praying that I will be used in any way the Lord sees fit. Any way that I can bring him glory.
These musings all started this morning at my favorite place in our home. The table. It seems like such a simple thing but it’s not. Our worn and dirty table is so much more.
As I sit here and write this post, these ramblings, here is my exact view. At first, it looks like just a mere table. There are some crumbs, a toy, and a lonely drink. Evidence of a little use and even less attention to cleaning but if you close your eyes and search beyond that you can see so much more.

As I close my eyes, I see and even hear God’s blessings. Here are a few…

I see myself dragging down the stairs and wishing it wasn’t so early but hear the laughter of three little men, that I have been entrusted with, sharing breakfast together and ready to tackle the day. My heart smiles.

I see myself pouring a cup of tea and sitting with my Bible open. Praying for my children and begging for God to intercede where my babies need Him to throughout the day.  My heart leans on Him for our protection.

I see my head down on the table crying as I pray for those who are hurting. Myself included. I see my head lift to the ceiling as I feel His gentle touch and I know if I trust, it will all turn out. My heart clings to His promises.

I see games spilling over, off the table, on to the floor. My little man is loving every ounce of attention he is getting from me. His smile is vivid and full of joy. My heart sings.

I see a friend come over and we share in His word and laugh and hold on another accountable. Oh, the smiles and reassurance that we are not alone. 

My heart sings praises of gratitude for bringing someone along who I can call and trust as a friend.

I see dinner being served. Smiles over conversations. Talking. Noisy talking. Love as we partake in a meal together. My heart is nourished.

I see my husband and I sit down with a snack and a cup of coffee. A small little time for us. A snuck in date. My heart feels such love.

A table is so much more than a piece of furniture. It holds so much more than folded laundry and papers. It is the centerpiece of my family. It brings us together. A table. A simple table.

Thank you, Jesus, for our table.


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